本月獨享E-marketing (M-PIE) 7-E限量秒殺
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內容簡介: 1.Marketing concept grounding:In each chapter the authors structure material around a principle of marketing framework and then tell how the internet changed the structure or practices. This technique provides a bridge from previously learned material and presents it in a framework for easier learning. In addition, as things change on the internet, students will understand the new ideas based on underlying concepts. Although social media has really disrupted the marketing field, the basic processes remain the same (e.g., understanding markets through research and developing products that add value).
2.Learning objectives:Each chapter begins with a list of objectives that, after studying the chapter, students should be able to accomplish.
3.Best practices from real companies:A company success story starts each chapter. New case histories for this edition offer current examples of firms that do it right.
4.Graphical frameworks in each chapter:The authors created unique e-marketing visual models to show how each chapter fits among other chapters in the entire part. In addition, several chapters feature models for within-chapter understanding.
5.Chapter summaries:Each chapter ends with a summary of its contents.
6.Key terms:These terms are set in bold text within the chapter to signal their importance and Appendix B is a complete glossary.
7.Review and discussion questions:Questions at the chapter end will help studnets refresh and think more deeply about the material.
8.Web activities:To help students engage in the material, the authors have included several activities and internet exercises at the end of each chapter.
9.Appendices:Internet adoption statistics, a thorough glossary, and book references.
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Judy Strauss, Raymond Frost
- 出版社:華泰文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2014/04/01
- 語言:英文
本月獨享E-marketing (M-PIE) 7-E限量秒殺
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本月獨享E-marketing (M-PIE) 7-E限量秒殺